No Return Fare
One Way Cab Fare | No Hidden Charges | Cheapest Cost GuaranteeTrusted by Thousands
2.5L+ Trips | 98K+ Trusted Customers | Trusted by GE, L&T, Radio MirchiHighly Rated
Q: What are the options available for Trimbak to Anand Cabs?
Vehicle Type | Model | Seater | Fare |
HATCHBACK | Indica Vista, Suzuki Swift, Hyundai Eon, Toyota Liva, etc.. | 6 | Rs 9320 |
SEDAN | Swift Dzire, Toyota Etios, Hyundai Xcent, Honda Amaze, etc.. | 6 | Rs 9409 |
SUV | Toyota Innova, Mahindra Xylo, Renault Lodgy, Nissan Evalia, etc.. | 6 | Rs 10205 |
Q: What is the taxi fare from Trimbak to Anand?
A: Taxi fare starts from Rs 9320 for a Hatchback cab from Trimbak to Anand.
Q: What is the cost of Sedan cab from Trimbak to Anand?
A: Cost of Sedan Cab from Trimbak to Anand starts from Rs 9409.
Q: How much is Toll from Trimbak to Anand?
A: Toll Charges from Trimbak to Anand is Rs 475. OneWay.Cab provides an All Inclusive Fixed Fare which includes Toll-Charges in its fare.
Q: Is OneWayCab available in Trimbak today?
A: Yes, you can book OneWayCab from Trimbak today. You can book urgent cabs 30 Days in Advance as per your convenience.
Q: Does OneWayCab go from Trimbak to Anand?
A: You book travel anywhere from Trimbak to anywhere in Anand in a full dedicated sanitized cab at Fixed Fare. We do not charge per km. It's Fixed Fare so that you don't need to check the odometer.